Estate Planning

Essential Estate Planning Rules For Everyone

One of the recurring themes we talk about in our blog is the idea that every estate plan needs to be unique. Everyone who comes to us to create a plan has their own needs, desires, and long-term goals. Crafting a plan that helps you meet all of those individual elements is what we help our clients do. Nevertheless, there are some essential estate planning rules that everyone can use …  read more

Basic Estate Planning Questions 5 – Why You Need an Estate Plan

This week's entry in our ongoing series on basic estate planning questions will address one of the most basic questions of all. Namely, why do you need an estate plan? If you are like a lot of people in the Greensboro, North Carolina area, you might have considered estate planning but have probably not taken the time to create one. You might have been reluctant to take this step is …  read more

Basic Estate Planning Questions, Part 3 – Incapacity Planning

In our third blog post on basic estate planning questions, we are going to turn our attention to a vital piece of every estate plan, incapacity planning. Incapacity planning is a process that everyone who creates an estate plan in North Carolina will go through. As you create your incapacity plan, you and your attorney will develop a variety of tools that will come into effect should you …  read more

Estate Planning For Married Couples

When it comes to developing an estate plan, married couples that live in North Carolina will need to pay attention to some key issues. Though all estate plans address the same basic principles, married couples will need to approach these topics from a slightly different perspective than single people. Knowing what you will need to think about as you create your estate plan before you …  read more

Greensboro Estate Planning: Basic Questions, Part 2

A couple of weeks ago we started a new blog series aimed at answering some basic estate planning questions that people unfamiliar with the field might have. Even though we have been blogging about estate planning for quite some time, some of our new readers might not be as familiar with the concepts we talk about as those who have been following along with us. To help educate any …  read more

The Right of Survivorship in Estate Planning

The concept of the right of survivorship can play a key role in your estate plan. People creating an estate plan in the Greensboro, North Carolina area will have to become familiar with a lot of legal concepts, and the right of survivorship is one such idea. While your attorney will explain in more detail what a right of survivorship is and how it can play a role in your estate planning …  read more

Elder Law Tip Sheet

Elder law is something that a lot of people are confronted with, but also something that not many people know much about. As we age, our needs, options, and abilities change. For seniors and elderly people, those changes can be the most dramatic. Elder law addresses the legal realities that arise because of these changes. Whether you are an elderly person, someone nearing retirement, or …  read more

Basic Estate Planning Questions: What Does a Will Cover?

Some of the most basic estate planning questions are also some of the most important. When people first visit an estate planning lawyer in North Carolina, they often do so from a position of having no background in the law, much less estate planning. For these types of people, understanding what the essential estate planning tools do, and why you need them, is important. Over the coming …  read more

Your Estate Plan and the Statute of Limitations

There are a lot of legal concepts, such as the statute of limitations, that people who don’t have a background in law have heard about but don’t really understand. When it comes to estate planning, many of these legal issues and concepts don’t play a significant role. However, when people come to an estate planning lawyer, they often have questions about the statute of limitations and …  read more

What Does a Court do When I Create an Estate Plan in Greensboro? 3 Commonly Asked Questions

Will I have to get court approval when I make an estate plan in Greensboro? Not really. The court won’t usually play a role in the process of creating an estate plan unless something goes wrong. While a court will get involved after you die, you won’t have to worry about going to court when you create your plan in Greensboro. To explain this better, let’s take a look at a common …  read more

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