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Do You Need to Talk to an Elder Law Attorney in North Carolina?


The question of when you might need to speak to an elder law attorney in North Carolina is not always easy to answer. What does an elder law attorney do? How can an elder law attorney help you? What if you don’t need help yourself, but need help for a loved one? Today we are going to take a little time to try to answer these questions so you can know when you might need to speak to an elder law attorney in North Carolina.

When You Need an Elder Law Attorney for Yourself.

An elder law attorney is a lawyer who specializes in the legal issues faced by elderly people, or those that arise as a natural result of the aging process. Questions about health care, the loss of capacity, and end-of-life planning are many of the issues with which elder law attorneys help their clients. If you are facing any such legal issue, talking to an elder law attorney can, at the very least, give you an idea about what your options are and what you can do to help yourself and your family.

On the other hand, elder law attorneys are not ideally suited to help elderly people with every legal situation they might face. For example, elderly people who are charged with a crime or who have a problem with speeding or traffic tickets should probably speak to a criminal defense attorney, not necessarily an elder law attorney.

When You Need an Elder Law Attorney for a Loved One.

Another common situation arises when an elderly loved one or family member runs into difficulty that might require the services of an elder law attorney. For example, if you have an elderly relative who is not receiving the kind of care he or she requires, what legal options are available to you? Can you ask a court to name you as a guardian for that relative so you can make decisions on his or her behalf? If not, can you try to convince your loved one that he or she needs to talk to an elder law attorney? How do you do this?

Trying to convince someone to speak to an attorney, especially an elder law attorney, can be difficult. In many situations, people are reluctant to speak to elder law lawyers because of the often uncomfortable discussions that will naturally arise. These discussions typically involve issues of aging, mortality, and the loss of capacity, and can be stressful to contemplate, much less actually engage in.

A good elder law attorney can help you navigate these difficult situations. Whether you need help convincing someone to reach out to an attorney or are looking for guidance about what legal options you have when trying to provide assistance to an elderly loved one, we can help.

The bottom line when deciding whether or not to talk to an elder law attorney is that you have to make the decision. The attorneys and staff at The Law Offices of Cheryl David have a lot of experience assisting elderly clients and their families, but we can only do so if you reach out to us.
